June 11, 2010

How to Bring Ideas into Reality

From the HOW Design Conference session by Scott Belsky:

Designate windows of non-reactionary time. You won't make steps towards your goals when you are constantly reacting and letting other people drive your agenda. Carve out time for your long-term goals.

Organize with a bias toward action. Focus on tasks rather than ambiguous concepts. When you come out of a meeting, each person should have a list of concrete steps to take.

Let competition energize you. No need to fear it. Everyone can succeed (not a zero sum world).

Share your ideas with a community. Great ideas die in isolation. When you share, you create accountability, feedback, and engagement.

When presenting your idea to a client, know your "sacred extremes," the 5-10% that you won't compromise on. Fight for the concepts you believe in, be willing to compromise on everything else.

Hire people with initiative. Develop them through appreciation. As a leader and mentor, know when to be silent. Talk last.


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