July 31, 2012

The Agony of Creation

The creative process can be broken down into steps, followed methodically, and achieve results every time. Occasionally, the creative person has a “eureka” moment when an idea pops fully formed into the mind. Most ideas are born of agony.

Even when you follow the process, you always have moments of self-doubt. Will your audience recognize the value of your concept? Or will you look like a fool? Will you be able to explain how you arrived at your proof so that others can see the brilliance of your solution? The more “out of the box” your thinking, the harder it will be for the people in cubicles to accept.

Sometimes you follow the process, but you just can’t come up with that spark that makes it fun. For any number of reasons, you lack the motivation. You fear the well has finally run dry for good. You consider applying for a cashier’s position at Target. Fear will kill your creativity faster than anything. This is the time to remind yourself that you are talented, you can solve this problem, and go do the things that renew your spirit. Take a look at creativity triggers. Then overwhelm the impasse with quantity.

Then comes the agony of the critique, where you witness your “baby” cut apart, watered down, and compromised for political purposes. Everyone on the committee will want to “contribute” by offering another suggestion that you’ll have to address. The best advice I’ve heard for overcoming the torture of a hundred little revisions is “Do better work.” Proofread, correct any obvious mistakes, look at it from different distances and angles, take a break and look at it again. I try to only present proofs that I am happy with myself. Never present something that you have to apologize for. I do not take criticism personally. I try to use every suggestion as on opportunity to make the project better. 

Is the agony worth it? Do you have the inner confidence to present something that's never been seen before? Are you comfortable with being the one who thinks differently? Everyone has to decide that individually.

April 21, 2012

How to Be Creative

from the Wall Street Journal article by Jonah Lehrer

Recent research into the creative process reveal some "hacks" for how to achieve that elusive eureka moment. The characteristic that most creative people share is not genetic, but environmental. Creative types hang around with a diverse set of people. They are also curious about many things and pursue their interests with passion. Creative insight occurs when one "connects the dots" between different subjects.

Most innovation comes not from experts, but newcomers to the field. A fresh perspective is not limited by tradition or habit.

The right state of mind also contributes to creative breakthroughs. Being relaxed, having fun, laughing, even getting a little intoxicated, all increase creative problem solving. Daydreaming and that twilight state between sleep and wakefulness are moments ripe for creativity.

Getting outside of your workspace is important. A short trip to the coffee shop or library will increase your creativity. Traveling the world and exposing yourself to other cultures will supercharge your creativity.

Finally, a playful spirit is essential. Having the mind of a child and getting deep pleasure out of your work is extremely conducive to creativity.